
A Comparative Performance Analysis of DES and BLOWFISH Symmetric Algorithm

Srinivas B.L , Anish Shanbhag, Austin Solomon D’Souza

With the fast change in technologies today, more and more multimedia data are generated and transmitted, leaving our data vulnerable to be edited, modified and duplicated. Because of the significance, accuracy and sensitivity of the information it is a big security and privacy issue, making it necessary to find appropriate solution. Security and privacy has become an important concern. This paper provides comparative analysis of symmetric key cryptography algorithms DES and BLOWFISH with variation of parameters like different data types, data size and key size. The experimental work was performed on DES and BLOWFISH Algorithm, to illustrate the performance of this algorithm by changing some of these parameters. The execution time as a function of the encryption key length and the file size was examined; this has been stated as complexity and security. Various data types were analyzed and the role of the data types was also emphasized.

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