
A Dynamic Resources Allocation by Data Migration within Cloud Resources by Gossip Protocol in Cloud Environments

Murgesh V Jambigi, S G Maknur, Arun Kumar G, C M Parameshwarappa, Srinivasa Rao Udara

We describe the process of data migration within cloud resources by including cloud middleware component Gossip protocol which provides 1) Fair memory allocation 2) Fast computation and reallocation 3) Reduces processing memory .We describe the problem of data migration in cloud under CPU and Memory constraints which needs gossip protocol for best utility of resources in cloud which takes less CPU time. management of resources is important part of data migration as the site or application allocated to one resources had reached their maximum threshold memory so to gain more performance and to get reduced processing memory we applying the concept of data migration which gives the fast computation and reallocation as the load of allocated resources changes dynamically.

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