
A Novel Way of Deduplication Approach for Cloud Backup Services Using Block Index Caching Technique

Jyoti Malhotra ,Priya Ghyare

Data Deduplication describes approach that reduces the storage capacity needed to store data or the data has to be transfer on the network. Cloud storage has received increasing attention from industry as it offers infinite storage resources that are available on demand. Source Deduplication is useful in cloud backup that saves network bandwidth and reduces network space Deduplication is the process by breaking up an incoming stream into relatively large segments and deduplicating each segment against only a few of the most similar previous segments. To identify similar segments use block index technique The problem is that these schemes traditionally require a full chunk index, which indexes every chunk, in order to determine which chunks have already been stored unfortunately, it is impractical to keep such an index in RAM and a disk based index with one seek per incoming chunk is far too slow. In this paper we describes application based deduplication approach and indexing scheme contains block that preserved caching which maintains the locality of the fingerprint of duplicate content to achieve high hit ratio and to overcome the lookup performance and reduced cost for cloud backup services and increase dedulpication efficiency.