
A Real-Time Electronic System with Zigbee for the Prevention of Rodent in Agricultural Fields

Nashrin Gazi, Hema D, Charanraj G, Aakarshitha Shekar, Asha Rani N

Rodents, in particular rats contribute to a major loss to crops and stored foods. Due to the damage of crops and storage foods, millions of people do not have an access to sufficient food which in turn effects to the growth of the country. To overcome these problems, we have designed a model that incorporates four main techniques to drive away the rats from fields or from food storage unit. The first technique is using an ultrasonic transmitter which continuously produces variable frequencies such as 30 kHz, 35 kHz and 40 kHz to distress the rats. The second technique uses a pumping unit which pumps the peppermint oil to spread the odour of the oil in air. The third technique has a voice record and playback system which generates sounds of cats, snakes etc., at regular intervals of time to frighten the rats. The last technique is to use a PIR sensor placed inside the cage to detect the movement of the rats. If a movement is detected the stepper motor closes the door and the rat is trapped inside the cage and simultaneously this information is sent to the monitoring unit via zigbeewhich displays the message “RAT TRAPPED” in LCD and a buzzer is triggered.

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