
A Scalable Multi Keyword Search and Relevance Oriented Ranking for Searchable Network Encrypted data in Cloud Storage Systems

Srinivasulu Chinna, A. Santosh Kumar, D. Priyanka, B. Sunil Kumar

Secured Cloud Storage service allows the users to store and access their data remotely from various locations by using various secured data access protocols. With the advent of cloud storage services data owners started to outsource their complex data management systems from local sites to the commercial public cloud for great flexibility and economic savings. Due to the high security and reliability of cloud storage services most of the data owners are persisting their personal and sensitive information like emails, financial details, photo albums and some other important documents in cloud. To prevent the data stored in the cloud from unauthorized access and manipulations, data is encrypted before persist in cloud. Now a days the data owners have the interest to share their private outsourced data with a large number of authorized users, who might want to only retrieve certain specific data files by using the most popular keyword search on cloud data.Keyword search on encrypted huge data would become more time consuming task and less results relevance. In this paper we are introducing an scalablemulti-keyword search against the searchable encrypted data to allow multiple keywords in the search query and return the documents in order of their relevance to these keywords.A scalable Relevance Oriented Ranking-ROR is used to display the retrieved results in an efficient order for a given keyword search query. Experiments on sample data set in cloud shows that our approach is retrieving and displaying the data from cloud effectively for a given query.

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