
A Survey of Growth and Opportunity of Internet of Things (IoT) in Global Scenario

Er. Pooja Yadav, Er. Ankur

IoT is the interconnection via the internet of computing devices incorporated in the daily life objects, with capacity to exchange data. This paper discusses the vision, the challenges, possible usage scenarios and technological building blocks and applications of the “Internet of Things”. It is the futuristic term used for Addressability, identification, communication, localization, ergonomics and sensing etc. IoT will surely be a potent tool in everyone’s life, office, smart city, health, education, training, transportation, manufacturing, production etc. This paper presents the report/survey on how the IoT is going to emphazie on approximately all fields and what is its current trend on the basis of pervious literature, identifying current trends, describing challenges that will threaten IoT and future research directions.

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