M.Navitha, R.Tamijetchelvy , G.Sivaradje
In recent years a plethora of wireless technologies has become available in the next generation network where mobile users can move between heterogeneous networks. Mobile users may efficiently utilize heterogeneous overlapping network infrastructures while moving among different access networks in order to attain better non-real-time or real-time services, everywhere and at any time the most important issue in such environment is the Always Best Connected (ABC) concept. In order to achieve seamless handoff between the networks and maintain continuity of connection, the IEEE standard 802.21 Media Independent Handover (MIH) is introduced which serves as a glue to connect heterogeneous wireless access technologies. This paper will be executing a novel mobility management system that follows IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover (MIH) standard that integrates the connection manager functions to detect network condition to maintain a connection based on two different mobility protocols of MIP and SIP.