
Bandwidth Scheduling for Content Delivery in VANET

Babu G , Uma Maheswari M

Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) technology uses moving vehicles as nodes in a network to create a mobile network. A VANET turns every participating vehicle into a wireless router or node. 100 to 300 meter distance is allowed between vehicles to cover a wide network range. In VANET network topology is rapidly changed due to high mobility of nodes. VANET uses infrastructure support to handle time sensitive data exchange process. Single-hop and multi-hop methods are used for VANET communication. Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication methods are used for VANET data transmission. Mobile internet is provided with the consideration of signal range and mobility of vehicle. Vehicular communication is used to download different contents from the internet. Downloading optimization scheme is used to improve the content downloading throughput. Roadside infrastructure, vehicle-to-vehicle relaying, and penetration rate for communication factors are used in the system. Dynamic Network Topology Graph (DNTG) is constructed and sampling technique is applied to handle the data delivery process. The content delivery system is improved with historical pattern based vehicle prediction scheme. Data request level based bandwidth scheduling is used in the system. Infrastructure estimation is performed with historical data patterns. Data replication scheme is used to reduce the data delivery delay.