
Design of High Capacity Microwave Link between Two Cities

R.K Manjunath, Soumya Hegde, Dr.K.N Nagabhushan Raju, Manju.S

Post 2000, Optical fibre media was deployed throughout the country by the Indian Cellular operators to meet the increase in Mobile Backhaul Traffic demand. Due to road expansion activities, fiber media is getting disconnected almost every day in different parts of the country. During such events, traffic is diverted to other sections of the fibre ring. Sometimes these Fibber links which are carrying additional traffic are getting choked due to overload. Augmentation of choked links or laying of additional fibre links are time consuming and sometimes not feasible due to Techno Commercial reasons. Hence Microwave links are being deployed to ease out the congestion. Design aspects of Microwave links for long hop lengths are different from for short hop length links. In this article various aspects required to be considered to engineer a long- hop length link spanning between two cities is presented. An attempt is made to practically design a long hop length MW link between two towns located in north Karnataka, India separated by a distance of 40Kms by road.

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