Shahzad Jami Sardar and Umesh. N. Karadi
Shear wall is a structural element used to resist horizontal forces parallel to the plane of the wall. Shear wall has highiy in plane stiffness and strength which can be used to simultaneously resist large horizontal loads and support gravity loads. Shear Walls are specially designed structural walls include in the buildings to resist horizontal forces that are induces in the plane of the wall due to wind, earthquake and other forces. They are mainly flexural members and usually provided in high rise buildings to avoid the total collapse of the high rise buildings under seismic forces. In this project, study of 25 storeys building in zone V is presented with some investigation which is analyzed by changing various location of shear wall for determining parameters like storey drift, storey shear and displacement is done by using standard package ETAB. Creation of 3D building model for both linear static and linear dynamic method of analysis and influence of concrete core wall provided at the center of the building.