
Experimental Studies on Behaviour of Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Beams Subjected To Monot onic Static Loading

C. K. Madheswaran, P S Ambily, J. K. Dattatreya, Ramesh G

Geopolymer Concretes (GPCs) are a new class of concrete based on an inorganic alumino-silicate binder system compared to the hydrated calcium silicate binder system of concrete. They possess the advantages of rapid strength gain, elimination of water curing, good mechanical and durability properties and are additional ecofriendly and sustainable alternative to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). This paper describes experimental investigation on behaviour of reinforced GPC beams subjected to monotonic static loading. The overall dimensions of the GPC beams are 250mm x 300mm x 2200mm. The effective span of beam is 1600mm. The beams have been designed to be critical in shear as per IS:456 provisions. The specimens were produced from a mix incorporating Fly ash and GGBS, which was designed for a compressive strength of 40MPa at 28 days. The Reinforced Concrete specimens are subjected to curing at ambient temperature under wet burlap. The parameters being investigated include shear span to depth ratio (av/d =1.5 and 2.0). Experiments are conducted on 12 GPC beams and four OPCC control beams. All the beams are tested using 2000kN servo-controlled hydraulic actuator. This paper presents the results of experimental studies.

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Hamdard University
World Catalogue of Scientific Journals
International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)

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