Shailesh siddha, Yashika Chander Pareek
Integrated circuits are complex, containing both active and passive components that are manufactured on a single crystal chip of silicon and interconnected by wires. Chip sizes may vary from 2 mm to 800 mm. Integrated circuits contain insulating, semiconducting and conduction regions. These regions are combined in such a way to produce various electronic components like diode, transistor, MOSFET etc. Day by day I.C complexity has increased from small scale integration (SSI), to medium scale integration (MSI), to large scale integration (LSI), to very large scale integration (VLSI). The fabrication of I.C depends on material, process and design principals which form a highly developed semiconductor technology. Production of integrated circuit is a multistep sequential process like chemical cleaning, oxidation, etching, diffusion, photolithography etc. NMOS, CMOS, bipolar and integrated injection logic bipolar are major and complex I.C technologies. In this paper I explain the basic processing steps of forming number of PN Junction diodes on a single inch circular silicon wafer.