
Flat Back Index Generation for E-Books: A Tri-gram Approach

Saket Soni, Raj Kumar Singh, Sarang Pitale

Comprehending a book is a frequent activity which each one of us does in our existence. A universal strategy to find a page for reading is to use front index and back index. A front index generally contains the sections and subsections matter with their corresponding page numbers. A back index contains various seed words of books with corresponding page numbers in the sorted alphabetical order. To spot a topic, the page numbers are identified using these indexes. The back index is of two types flat and hierarchical. The professional indexers find their job tedious when they make a back index for a book. These all jobs are manual and require background knowledge of subject. At present various automatic tools are available which generates the back-of-book indexes. Various top book authors does not offer back indexing only due to its complexity and labour-intensive manual modifications. The present paper demonstrates one such method which generates flat back-of-book index efficiently.

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