
Hand Action Recognition Using Accelerometer

Shivashankar Tonape, Akshata Mane, Deepali Patil, Sujata Umate, Pathan Gaziya Mehmood Khan

The phenomena of a Hand Action Recognition is a known concept which is based on Accelerometer and its execution in the field of gaming controller. By using this concept, an intention to build up an active device, which is also like to call a “Virtual Mouse”.To use an accelerometer, is the main functional aspect of this particular project, which is used to sense the hand action movement done on which the accelerometer is placed. The movement of the palm will be resulting as the cursor movements. The signals will be transmitted between a user and the computer screen by using the mouse that have deigned, where the movement of the system by means the desired instructions would be given via the hands of the user and this instructions would be recognized subsequently by the system and this instructions would be executed accordingly. The entire basis of this prototype is operating as a mouse and it is an interfacing system which is used in our daily life but ease of use in context of the user and keeping the convenience, it is simply the total new paradigm.

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