Irshad C. K., Gymmy Joseph Kattoor, Abdul Malik K.V.
Traffic impact assessment is a powerful tool for engineers to determine the possible impacts of a project on the traffic and transportation infrastructure and to identify the road way improvements required to ensure that the road network will operate safely and efficiently for upcoming years. This study examines the impact that a cargo port at Ponnani would have on roadway travel and transportation infrastructure, both today and in the future, throughout the region and recommend abatement measures. The study will use a spread sheet based model to determine the number of road vehicles especially cargo trucks that would be added to the existing traffic flows as a result of the proposed cargo port. The assessment will be focused on the daily and peak hour traffic associated with the project after it will be commissioned on 2017. Specific travel demand forecasts for the Ponnani town would be assessed both for the existing traffic situation and for the traffic attracted due to the initiation of the cargo port.