
Nucleation kinetics of L-Alanine acetate

Mrs.Shanthi &Dr.A.Mukunthan

L-Alanine acetate is one of the NLO materials which find applications in the field of optoelectronics. This material possesses attractive properties such as high damage threshold,wide transparent range,less deliquescence and high nonlinear coefficient which are the requirements for frequency doubling. This material has been grown recently by Mohan kumar et al, using low temperature solution growth technique. It belongs to orthorhombic structure with lattice parameter ô��½ = 5.81�º, ô��¾ = 6.07�º &ô��¿ = 12.39�º . A nucleation parameter of this material have been computed using classical nucleation theory. From the result of the study, the proper supersaturation can be fixed in order to obtain good quality crystals. The capillarity in the classical nucleation theory is rectified by incorporating correction in the interfacial energy and the revised results of nucleation kinetics are presented.

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Hamdard University
World Catalogue of Scientific Journals
International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)

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