
Opinion Mining From Text Reviews Using Machine Learning Algorithm

Poobana S, Sashi Rekha k

Social media is one of the biggest forums to express opinions. sentiment analysis is the procedure by which information is extracted from the opinions, appraisals and emotions of people in regards to entities, events and their attributes.Sentiment analysis is also known as opinion mining. Opinion Mining is to analyse and classify the user generated data like reviews, blogs, comments, articles etc. The main objective of Opinion mining is Sentiment Classification i.e. to classify the opinion into positive or negative classes. A earlier work is based on star rating of user data, most of the reviews are written in text format. The reviews are in text format which is difficult for computer system to understand. The proposed work is able to collect information from various sites and perform a sentiment analysis of a user reviews based on that information to rank a product. Manual analysis of such large number of reviews is impossible. So the automated approach of machine learning algorithm like Naïve Bayesian Algorithm and Support Vector Machine is used.

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