
Power Ratio Enhancement of an Optical Wireless Channels

Javed Ashraf, Prof. M. T. Beg

This paper analyzes the power ratio between the directed line of sight configuration links increased by reducing the receiver Field of View (FOV). Line of Sight systems employ high degree of directionality of the transmitter and receiver and uninterrupted LOS. LOS link design reduces multipath distortion and increases power efficiency. The performance of the link relies upon the existence of an uninterrupted LOS path between the transmitter and receiver. This can be quantified by the Rician factor. The Field of View of the receiver is related to the collection area of a lens and the photo detector area. The FOV of the detector is smaller than the radiation incident angle. It is an observation that the concentrator gain or channel gain increases when the value of FOV reduces. In this paper, the line of sight channel gain is calculated at different values of FOV.

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