
Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Women and the Associated Risk Factors

Alice Jaya Pradha Cheekurthy, C Rambabu1, Amit Kumar

The prevalence of non-communicable disease like Type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing among woman. The study is aimed at investigating the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and their associated risk factors among woman, in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana of India.The present study is the part of case control study of Genetic and Non-genetic risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its related complications. Validation of the single nucleotide polymorphisms in Calpain10 and Adiponectin genes with proven role in predicting Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in woman in comparison with the men among the discrete diabetic population under the study. The biochemical parameters were also compared. The study was conducted among a total of 180 subjects (96 females and 84 males) out of these, 90 were diabetic cases (54 females and 36 males) and 90 were controls (42 females and 48 males).All these subjects were used for non-genetic risk factor study. Only 41 diabetic cases (28 females and 13 males) and 10 controls were used for the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) study. On measurement of the blood glucose levels (Fasting and Post prandial blood glucose), it was found that the prevalence of diabetes was more among the women than in men. The mean± standard deviation value was found to be high in diabetic subjects (both women and men) in comparison to the normal ones. The Lipid concentrations were found to be high in all diabetic cases and some controls showing their susceptibility for Type 2 diabetes Mellitus in future. Only HDL showed low concentrations. The SNP rs2975760 of CAPN 10 gene is present in 50% of the diabetic women studied where as it is present in 46.1% of the diabetic men. Similarly the SNP rs3792267 of CAPN 10 gene is present in 58.5% of the diabetic women population whereas this SNP is present in 30.7% of diabetic men.The SNP rs3774261 of ADIPOQ gene is present in 42.8% of the women population and whereas this SNP is present in 38.4% of diabetic men.A new SNP was identified in new position of CAPN 10 gene and was found in 39.2% of diabetic women whereas it was found in 15.3% of the men population.