
Recovering Past via Artificial Intelligence

Sakshi J

Recovering past has always been a challenge for mankind on this earth. Human being has always been surrounded by “When”,”What”,”How”,”Where” and last “Why” questions. Discovery of past has been undergoing since ages. Ancient texts, scripts, techniques, lifestyle all have been discovered and deciphered by experts due to the advent of technology. Science has developed to the extent that nothing is beyond its scope. Computer Science has broaden the scope and reach of mankind to the infinity. Artificial Intelligence is the field of computer science in which research is done involving human reactions and cognitive environment. This paper includes the contribution of this science of Artificial Intelligence in recognizing the 4000 years old Indus script. Neural Network has played an important role in this work. Markov model and deep learning algorithm had been at the background to recognize the symbols in the Indus script. This algorithm is used in self-driving cars and auto completion work of Google. The process involves three stages: Extracting the symbol, Selective Search for the grapheme is done and lastly Region Grouping is done.

Avertissement: Ce résumé a été traduit à l'aide d'outils d'intelligence artificielle et n'a pas encore été examiné ni vérifié