
Secure Paper Distribution on Cloud Using Reencryption

Prof.A.G.Nadaph1,Amol Dashwant2, Dipali Bhivare3, Shrikrishn Badade4, Pratik Jadhav5

Today we are familiar with the concept of cloud. Use of cloud is increased in past decade. As use of cloud is increased, the importance of secure cloud computing is the main issue. Now we can see most of the exams that are held online. University puts the paper on cloud at the time of the exam. College issues that paper and distributes it among all the students. Nowadays there are cases of fraud in university exam section. So the university prefers security majors while putting the data on cloud. In traditional method data owner used to store the data on cloud in encrypted format to get security from un-trusted CSP (Cloud service provider). Data owner then sends the decryption keys to the data user. If data owner wants to revoke some users then he simply just sends the re-encryption commands to cloud server and data owner will again issue the decryption keys to the data user. In traditional methods if the re-encryption command is not getting received by the any server due to any problem revoked user will get access to the data on server. To solve this problem we are using time based re-encryption. We are also using Attribute based encryption to encrypt the data on cloud [1].

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