
Tea Polyphenolics and their Effect on Neurodegenerative Disorders- A Review

Ananya Bagchi, Dillip Kumar Swain, Nairanjana Bera, Analava Mitra

Tea consumption is varying its status from ancient beverage and a lifestyle habit, to a nutraceutical with possible prospective neuroprotective actions beneficial to human health. Quality tea production is beneficial for its effects on human health, which includes controlling of several diseases with its high antioxidant properties. Several evidences suggest that oxidative stress generates reactive oxygen species and causes inflammation to play a role in neurodegenerative diseases, indicative of the importance of radical scavengers and in accordance with the current view that tea polyphenols may have an impact on neurobiological problems in individuals of advanced age. Thus green tea polyphenols may be considered as therapeutic agents in dementia related diseases, and can be serve as neuroprotective agents in neurodegenerative disorders of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. So far no single cure has been found however, one supplement that seems to have health benefits in a vast range of areas is tea and tea extract. In this review neuroprotective mechanism of the green tea polyphenols are examined and discussed.