
Young Research Forum for Euro Clinical Pediatrics 2020

Maria Bertha Romo Almanza

We officially invite you to attend the “16th European Congress on Clinical Pediatrics and Child Care” conference (Euro Clinical Pediatrics 2020) which is slated on November 12-13, 2020 at Budapest, Hungary, with the theme: Disseminating Latest Challenges and Innovations in Saving a Child. Clinical Pediatrics & Child Care conferences deeply perceiving in many instances, children are becoming the host for the new and unforeseen diseases which are propelling with day by day variations as the new born, child, adolescents are with undeveloped immunity in compared to the adult. As a confrontation to these new developing diseases the latest researches and new techniques are able to overcome the childhood diseases and marking up tomorrow’s child healthcare with a livelihood and complete awareness. Prestigious Award for Young Research’s at Euro Clinical Pediatrics 2020 - Discovering New Exploration in Pediatrics field. Pediatrics Conference Committee is glad to announce “16th European Congress on Clinical Pediatrics and Child Care” November 12 -13, 2020 in Budapest, Hungary by focus on the theme: “ Pediatrics” Euro Clinical Pediatrics 2020 developments are maintaining their momentum. Pediatrics Conference program delves into strategic discussions.