The Journal of Zoological Sciences (JZS) is founded on two key tenets: to publish the most exciting researches in the field of zoology, and to provide a recent turn-around research articles freely for research, teaching and reference purposes.
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The Journal publishes articles related to Anatomy, Morphology, Behaviour, Reproductive biology, Physiology, Parasitology, Developmental biology, Invertebrate zoology, Soil zoology, Ecology, etc., and applied zoological disciplines such as Molecular biology, Genetics, Zoogeography, and the systematic evolution of highest scientific standards. The Journal covers almost all the major areas of zoology.
The Journal provides a common forum for all the scientists, researchers, animal enthusiasts and academicians to study the animal systems, functioning, development and evolution.
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Journal of Zoological science is bringing a special issue on the topic Missing link in corona virus jump from bats to humans.
The current COVID-19 Pandemic underscores how unprepared we humans are in fighting zoonotic diseases: pathogens that originate in wildlife and jump to humans. The inevitable interaction between humans and livestock with wildlife exposes the human species to the risk of spillover of potential pathogens
Arachnology is the scientific study of spiders and related animals such as scorpions, pseudoscorpions and harvestmen. These are collectively called arachnids. Arachnology include naming species and determining their evolutionary relationships to one another.
Related Journals of Arachnology
Veterinary Science & Technology, Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, Animal Nutrition, Journal of Arachnology, Arachnology, American Arachnological Society, BioOne Online Journals – Arachnology, Zoological Sciences Journal.
Batrachology is the branch of zoology concerned with the study of amphibians including frogs and toads, salamanders, newts and caecilians. It is also studied under herpetology which also covers reptiles including snakes, lizards, turtles etc.
Related Journals of Batrachology
Research & Reviews: Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Zoological Sciences Journal, Veterinary Science & Technology, Journal of Applied Zoological Research, Primatology, Alytes international journal of batrochology.
Entomology is the study of insects and a branch of zoology. Most insects can easily be recognised to order such Hymenoptera or Coleoptera. Entomology is a taxon based category.
Related Journals of Entomology
Animal Nutrition, Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, Veterinary Science & Technology, Journal of Advanced Zoology, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, Apidologie, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Impact Factor, Applied entomology and zoology, International Journal of Entomological Research.
Ethology is the scientific study and objective study of animal behaviour. Ethology is a combination of laboratory and field science, with a strong relation to certain other disciplines such as neuroanatomy, ecology, and evolution.
Related Journals of Ethology
Research & Reviews: Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Journal of Applied Zoological Research, Veterinary Science & Technology, Primatology, Journal of Ethology, Applied Animal Ethology, Journal of Ethology, Ethology Ecology & Evolution.
Herpetology is the study of amphibians and reptiles. Herpetology is concerned with poikilothermic, ectothermic tetrapods. Herpetology offers benefits to humanity especially amphibians because they are sensitive to environmental changes, offering a visible warning to humans that significant changes are taking place.
Related Journals of Herpetology
Zoological Sciences Journal, Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research, Research & Reviews: Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, Journal of Entomology and Zoological Studies Impact factor, Journal of Herpetology, Phyllomedusa-Journal of Herpetology.
Ichthyology is also known as fish science. Study of fish is called Ichthyology.This includes bony fishes, cartilaginous fish and jawless fish. People who study ichthiology are called ichthyologists.
Related Journals of Ichthyology
Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production, Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences, Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal, Journal of Applied Zoological Research, Journal of Ichthyology, Journal of Applied Ichthyology, International Journal of Ichthyology.
Animal physiology is the study of how animals work, or specifically internal physical and chemical functions of animals. Any living organism characterised by voluntary movement, the possession of cells with noncellulose cell walls and specialized sense organs enabling rapid response to stimuli and ingestion of complex organic substances such as plants and other animals.
Related Journals of Animal Physiology
International Journal of Plant, Zoological Sciences Journal, Animal and Environmental Sciences, Veterinary Science & Technology, Animal Nutrition, International Journal of Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Journal of veterinary anatomy, Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, Annals of Anatomy.
Animal conservation is the practice of protecting animals and their habitats. Animal conservation has become an increasingly important practice due to negative effects of human activity on animals.
Related Journals of Animal Conservation
International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, Veterinary Science & Technology, Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, Animal Conservation, Veterinary research, Integrative zoology, The veterinary clinics of North America Exotic animal practice, African Journal of Zoology.
Zoological studies relates to the animal kingdom including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct and how they interact with their ecosystems. Zoological studies deals with knowledge of animal life.
Related Journals of Zoological Studies
Journal of Veterinary Sciences, International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, Zoological Studies, Journal of Entomology and zoology, The Journal of Zoological Studies, International Journal of Zoology.
Acarology is a subdivision of arachnology the study of arachnids which include mites. Mites are characterized by their abundance, wide distribution, and great importance in nature and the life of man.
Related Journals of Acarology
Journal of Advanced Zoology, Biology and Medicine, Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology Current Research, Research & Reviews Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Journals of acarology, Experimental and Applied Acarology, Journal of Entomology and Zoological Studies Impact factor, International Journal of Acarology.
Anthrozoology is the study of interaction between living things. It is a modern interdisplinary field that overlaps with a number of other disciplines, including anthropology, ethology, medicine, psychology, veterinary medicine and zoology.
Related Journals of Anthrozoology
Research & Reviews: Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Biology and Medicine, Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Anthrozoos, Animalia An Anthrozoology Journal, International Journal of Zoological Research.
Tetrapods are group of vertebrates that includes amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals having 4 limbs. They contain parathyroid gland that in part controls calcium levels in the blood. Tetrapods occupy a wide variety of terrrestrial habitats including forests, grasslands,deserts, scrublands,mountains and polar regions.
Related Journals of Tetrapod zoology
Veterinary Science & Technology, Journal of Entomology and Zoological Studies Impact factor, Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Biology and Medicine, Current Research in Animal Physiology, The Journal of Cryptozoology, African Journal of Zoology.
Zoonotic disease is an animal disease that can be tranmitted to humans.Zoonoses have different modes of transmission. In direct zoonosis the disease is directly transmitted from animals to humans through media such as air or through bites and saliva. When humans infect other animals it is called reverse zoonosis.
Related Journals of Zoonotics
Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Zoology Journal, Research & Reviews: Journal of Veterinary Sciences, anthrozoos, PLoS One, Journal of veterinary medical education, Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique, Old Journal of Zoology, Vector borne and zoonotic diseases,Journal of medical entomology.
Anatomy is the scientific study of the structure of living things including their systems, organs, and tissues. It includes the appearance and position of the various parts, the materials from which they are composed, their locations and relationships with other parts. Most animals have bodies differentiated into separate tissues and these animals are known as metazoans or eumetazoans. Animal cells donot have cell wall and donot contain chloroplasts.
Related Journals of Animal Anatomy
Veterinary Science & Technology, African Journal of Zoology, International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, Zoology Journal, Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, International Journal of Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Journal of veterinary anatomy, Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, Annals of Anatomy.
Zootecnics is the art of managing domestic or captive animals including handling, breeding and keeping. The communities zootechnical legislation aims at the promotion of free trade in breeding animals.
Related Journals of Zootechnics
Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, Veterinary medicine and zootechnics, Australian Veterinary Journal, Veterinarija Ir Zootechnika, International Journal of Zoological Research.
Nematology is an important branch of biological science which deals with a complex, diverse group of round worms known as Nematodes that occur worldwide in essentially all environments. Nematodes are also called eelworms. Nematodes that are parasites of man and animals are called helminthes.
Related Journals of Nematology
Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, Veterinary Science & Technology, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studie, Journal of Nematology, Indian Journal of Nematology, Russian Journal of Nematology, Old Journal of Zoology.
Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms. Helminthes are eukaryotic multicellular animals that usually have digestive, circulatory, nervous, excretory and reproductive systems. Worms with bilateral symmetry and tail.
Related Journals of Helminthology
Veterinary Science & Technology, Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, Journal of Helminthology, African Journal of Zoology, Neotropical Helminthology, International Journal of Helminthology.
Community ecology is the study of the interactions between species in communities on many spatial and temporal scales, including the disribution, structure, abundance, demography and interactions between coexisting population. An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment interacting as a system.
Related Journals of Community ecosystem
Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography, Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species, Population & Community Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Molecular ecology, The Journal of animal ecology, Integrative zoology, Old Journal of Zoology.
Mammalogy is the study of mammals. Mammalogy has also been known as mastology,theriology and therology. Mammals are a class of vertebrates with characteristics such as homeothermic metabolism, four chambered hearts and complex nervous systems.
Related Journals of Mammalogy
International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, International Journal of Zoological Research, Veterinary Science & Technology, Journal of Applied Zoological Research, Primatology, Journal of Mammalogy, Australian Mammalogy, Hystrix.
Ornithology is the study of birds. This includes embryology, morphology, physiology, ecology, taxonomy and geographic distribution of birds. Ornithology has substantial practical value in agriculture, forestry and hunting. Since they are carriers of infectious dieseases and heliminthiases, their study is important in public health and veterinary medicine.
Related Journals of Ornithology
Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology, Journal of Advanced Zoology, International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Journal of Ornithology, Zoology Journal, Ecology and evolution, Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, Journal of experimental zoology, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, Evolutionary applications
Paleozoology is the branch of paleontology, paleobiology, or zoology dealing with the recovery and identification of multicellular animal remains from geological contexts, and the use of these fossils in the construction of prehistoric environments and ancient ecosystems.
Related Journals of Paleozoology
Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Zoology Journal, Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, Quantitative Paleozoology, Old Journal of Zoology, Paleozoology, Zhurnal obshcheĭ biologii, Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, International Journal of Zoological Research.
Nicholas Francis*
Kuntamalla Sujatha*
Kuntamalla Sujatha*