Kaufui V Wong
There is strong evidence in the literature that various anesthesia play the role of cognitive dysfunction agents in a human body so that the brain is at least temporary impaired after the use of anesthesia. The condition of Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction or POCD is a well-recognized condition, and has been linked to the effects of anesthesia on the brain. There have been many animal model studies that show brain cells of rats and other animals adversely affected by various anesthesia chemicals. The accumulation of β-amyloid (linked to AlzheimerâÂ?Â?s Disease or AD) caused by inhalational anesthetics has also been studied. The current work has shown the perspective that the large incidences of AD and dementia in North America (High Income), Caribbean, Latin America, Western Europe, Asia Pacific (High Income), Southeast Asia, Australasia are probably due to the increased use of anesthesia for C-section childbirths, optional plastic surgeries, optional liposuctions, optional medical tests and procedures, e.g. colonoscopy, MRIâÂ?Â?s in these regions, as compared to the less developed nations of the sub-Saharan region.