
Pharmaceuticals from Production to Sale

Inci Selin Dogan

Drugs are substances used to correct or examine physiological systems or pathological conditions for the benefit of the user. Medicines are used to fight against infection (antibiotics), to protect from disease or infection (vaccines), to provide elements missing in the organism (vitamins, minerals), to temporarily block normal functions (anaesthetics). Efforts to treat people’s illnesses in various forms are as old as human history. In the early days, there were remedies with plants for diseases. The development of medicines and medicines in today’s sense has come about in the 19th century when science has made a leap. In the 19th century, innovations in mathematics, physics and astronomy have led to significant developments in chemistry, anatomy and physiology. The 20th century is the modern period in which drug design emerges. It seems like we are constantly being bombarded with outrageous headlines stating that American manufacturing is dead. Manufacturing casts a wide net over everything from car parts to makeup and within that mega-industry lays another massive sector that is thriving and growing everyday: pharmaceutical manufacturing. Pharmaceutical manufacturing in the U.S. accounts for a combined annual revenue of around $200 billion dollars and is expected to grow by 3% in 2017. Healthcare reform has led to millions of newly insured Americans will contribute to growth in the next few years. In addition to that, our aging baby boomers are also expected to boost industry growth due to issues like heart disease and Alzheimer’s.